There is the need to develop soil management practices such as using mulches. Different types of materials such as wheat straw, plastic film, wood, sand, oil layer, … could be used as mulch. Due to the high exorbitant price and environmental issues of oil mulch, it is inevitable to use alternative mulch like mineral mulch. In comparison with oil mulch, mineral mulch has several advantages: Mineral mulch provides a better soil environment; moderates soil temperature; increases soil porosity and water infiltration rate during intensive rain and controls runoff.
Mineral mulch prepared by ICPDC is eco-friendly, non-toxic and not harmful to humans, animals or plants when properly applied. In addition, our teams prep road or desert properly and perform follow up maintenance.
Benefits of a dust control & Road
Stabilization program:
- Reduces dust-related human respiratory health problems;
- Reduces impacts on vegetation and other aquatic life, and water quality.
- Reduces unpaved road maintenance costs,
- Permeability and suitable conditions of soil for plant growth,
- Lack of heavy metals entrance into the soil.